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Some of our projects

Let's Read is a 100% free multilingual, thousands of text & audiobooks created with local communities including authors, illustrators, and translators. Let's Read draws on Asia's 18 country's languages including English and is accessible to all children. The aspect that it has sign language, and the focus on accessibility, and volunteer translating abilities were great & exciting challenges for us.
U-point is Mongolia’s largest customer loyalty digital platform, partnering with Mongolia’s top organizations. Our team’s responsibility was to uncover efficient solutions for users to earn, share, and spend loyalty points
Hellobaby is Mongolia's very first child development digital platform. It is unique in a sense that it works within the framework of sustainable development goals to promote health and gender equality through an application.Our biggest challenge was to create a solution that would facilitate easy access to scientifically proven data and other helpful information. Hellobaby enables both new and experienced parents to track their kids' development and enter the milestones.
Mobicom is a mobile operator company with the largest number of end users in Mongolia and provides various IT services for organizations in addition to comprehensive mobile services for individual users. The challege for us was to design a mobile application and website to help end users to manage and track usage, stay up to date with news and promotions, participate in reward-based contests, and quick purchase devices with the click of a button.
t has been a great experience to work with Omniway: a mobile application that allows users to purchase and lend items for valuable price, encouraging loyalty users to earn double reward points, and recharge and make payments with digital wallet.